(CLAIR) – Welcome to the ultimate taco beauty contest! We’ve scoured the streets of Simi Valley to find the most visually appealing tacos in town. From plastic perfection at Taco Bell to the colorful authenticity of Tacos El Chato, we’ve tried them all. So come along as we crown the most beautiful taco in Simi Valley! Get ready to drool over pictures of these tasty treats and decide for yourself which one deserves the top spot. ¡Vamos a comer!
01 – Taco Bell🤮
The perfect plastic taco. Every shell made golden with artificial coloring and super heated plasma, for sure! Taco Bell tacos are punched out with machine uniformity. Every bite has the exact same ratio of meat, lettuce and cheese. If you’re looking for a cheap, picture-perfect taco, then Taco Bell is the place for you. Unfortunately, they taste exactly the way they look: plastic, dry, old and crumbly. The meat is bland and flavorless, the lettuce is wilted and lifeless, and the cheese is congealed and rubbery. If you want a taco perfectly assembled, with zero visual imperfections, this is it! On the other hand, if you’re looking for a taco packed with flavor, there are over a dozen superb Mexican restaurants in Simi Valley to choose from.

02 – Taqueria El Maizal
A pleasant visual experience. Taqueria El Maizal delivers a taco where the ingredients are not haphazardly thrown on top of each other. Although these tacos are presented with a limited color palette, they still look quite appealing. We like the minimalist approach to their presentation. As for the taste of the taco itself, it’s good! Not the most knock-your-socks-off-delicious on our list, but it’s certainly good and you will enjoy the balance they’ve achieved between taste and beauty of their food.

03 – El Taco De Mexico
If you’re in the mood for reasonably-priced Mexi-Flave, El Taco De Mexico is the place for you! The tacos appear authentic and taste delicious. The portions are vast. It can be hard to find the meat buried beneath heaping mounds of cilantro, onions and salsa. But trust us, it’s in there…somewhere! We eventually found it. The tacos are stacked appropriately as individuals just as we like, making them easy to grab. We’ve listed El Taco De Mexico #3 on our list of Best Looking Taco in Simi Valley!

04 – Carillo’s Mexican Deli
With only two tacos in our survey that included lettuce and a hard shell, Carillo’s taco featured an interesting wavy design. Certainly has a nice look, but the overall presentation lacked some of the color and authenticity we would expect from a good looking taco. Nice, but ranking #4 on our list.

05 – El Tacon 118
Looking to make your taste buds extra happy? Look no further than El Tacon 118! The tacos taste great. However, we were slightly confused by their appearance. The ratio of tortilla to meat seemed off. As you can see in this photo, it looks like an awful lot of tortilla shell compared to meat. Since this is a taco beauty contest, this reality can not go unmentioned. The radish and lemon added a nice touch of spice and color, ultimately saving the day. Overall, a good taco, but only average in appearance.

06 – Campos Famous Burritos
If you’re looking for an authentic burrito experience, Campos Famous Burritos is definitely the place for you! Looking for a beautiful taco on the other hand, then maybe not. The cilantro and onion toppings on this taco are not evenly distributed, so you’ll end up with bites that are either too bland or too overwhelming. And the tacos are layered on top of each other, which causes them to stick. Just like the burritos, Campos tacos are delicious, but you may need to eat it with a fork. Tastes great!! Looks? Not so much.

07 – Taqueria Jalisco
Not the least bit intimidating, these tacos from Taqueria Jalisco may be small, but they’re big on flavor. A healthy ratio of toppings to meat make these tacos a filling and satisfying option, while the colorful presentation is sure to please the eye. As we must remind the reader, this is a beauty contest. Tacos from Taqueria Jalisco are a little on the smaller side and we prefer our tacos a little larger.

08 – Pizza Mia & Tacos
Pizza Mia Tacos may not be the prettiest taco on the planet, but they’re definitely delicious. These messy tacos are stacked with all sorts of healthy goodness. Undoubtedly inspired by their pizza roots, Pizza Mia tacos are a mess of random ingredients all piled on top of each other. It’s hard to tell where one taco ends and the next one begins. Definitely not pretty, but you know what? They’re delicious. So if you’re looking for a delicious, but messy taco experience, these are the tacos for you.

09 – Ticos Mexican Food
I wouldn’t exactly call the Ticos taco a thing of beauty. It’s a little flat and limp, and it’s pretty hard to find the steak under all that cilantro and onion. But trust me, the meat is in there! And it’s delicious. This is one taco that is all about flavor, not looks. So if you’re craving a gourmet visual experience, this isn’t the taco for you. But if you’re looking for a hearty, flavorful meal that will leave you satisfied, Ticos is 100% the way to go!

10 – Mercados Guadalajara
In the #10 spot, Mercados Guadalajara may not have won this year’s Taco Beauty Contest, but that doesn’t mean their tacos are any less delicious. Made with fresh ingredients and lots of love. So what happened at this year’s contest? It looks like the taco was dropped at some point along its journey from kitchen to table. We’re sorry to say, Mercados Guadalajara did not make a very good showing in this year’s Taco Beauty Contest. However, we’re hopeful that they’ll do better next year.

Overall, it’s clear that Simi Valley has a deep love for its Mexican food, and with so many excellent options available, it’s easy to see why. So next time you’re in the mood for a tasty taco or a hearty burrito, be sure to check out one of these top-rated Mexican restaurants in Simi Valley. ¡Buen provecho!