(CLAIR) – If you’re over 40, living in Simi Valley you may remember hearing stories about a scary old man that would hang out near Elephant Rock, behind Crestview Elementary. This is true. At one time, someone was living beneath the strange trunk-like rock formation.
Perhaps, inaccurate stories of this homeless person is what eventually gave rise to this strange Simi Valley legend – The Meat Head of Sycamore Park.
The Meat-Head of Sycamore Park is said to be a gruesome man or animal that haunts the Elephant Rock area and park at night. Visitors to the park have reported seeing a weird creature since the early 1980’s, often during a full moon. It’s been said, he is very large and has a head that is shaped like a meat cleaver. Thus the name ‘Meat-Head’.
Several reports have described the beast carrying a flashlight. Some people believe that the Meat-Head could be one of those ‘undiscovered’ primate species, similar to Bigfoot.
Most local residents believe the whole story is just a silly myth. However, as the legend of the Meat-Head continues to scare visitors to the park, it is sure to keep people on edge for years to come.