(CLAIR) – As you drive west through Simi Valley on the 118 freeway, one of the most memorable landscape features you will notice is the iconic Happy Face Hill.

Often described by the dry brush that surrounds the area, especially during fire season, this hill is a must-see for anyone passing through. And despite its seemingly arid appearance during most of the year, Happy Face Hill proves that even the driest of landscapes can bloom with life given the right conditions.
Every few seasons, something truly magical happens to the famed Happy Face Hill. After weeks of heavy rain, the hill transforms into a lush, bright green landscape, covered in fresh grass.
From a distance, the hill appears so inviting. It looks like the perfect place to let your dog run and explore – or an ideal spot for a spring picnic. This transformation is a real treat for the residents of Simi Valley. And it only happens occasionally.
So if you haven’t already, now is one of the best times, in a long time, to go check it out. Take a walk up one of the hiking trails to catch a view. Snap a photo, and experience the scenery for yourself.
That giant smile is such a good reminder of the friendly spirit that exists within our little Simi Valley community.