2024 Election Survey

Welcome to Clair.ID's Simi Valley School Board Election Poll! With still many months to go, we are excited to provide you with an early opportunity to share your thoughts and preferences regarding the upcoming school board election. Your participation is crucial in helping us understand the community's sentiments and priorities.

In this survey, you will be asked to indicate who you would vote for in the Simi Valley school board election and how likely you are to vote for that candidate. The scale ranges from "Definitely Yes" to "Definitely No," with "Not Sure" in the middle. Your feedback is invaluable, and we appreciate your time and input. The next results of this survey will be published on or about July 1, 2024.

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If the 2024 Simi Valley School Board Election (Area A) were held today, who would you vote for?
Definitely YesMaybe YesNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not
Mike James
Definitely Yes
Maybe Yes
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
Dorina Timbol
Definitely Yes
Maybe Yes
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
If the 2024 Simi Valley School Board Election (Area C) were held today, who would you vote for?
Definitely YesMaybe YesNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not
Sofya Bagdasaryan
Definitely Yes
Maybe Yes
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
Ron Resnick
Definitely Yes
Maybe Yes
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not