(D.JORDAN) – Have you ever wondered why Simi Valley, city owned trash cans are blue and our recycling cans are black/dark brown or gray? As most of us know,...
(CLAIR) – If you’re over 40, living in Simi Valley you may remember hearing stories about a scary old man that would hang out near Elephant Rock, behind Crestview...
(CLAIR) – Researchers have uncovered fossils dating back 15 million years in the ground near Simi Valley. The fossil find is believed to be around 15-million years old and...
(CLAIR) – The Big Sky Movie Ranch in Simi Valley was a filming site for decades. Many famous television shows such as “Gunsmoke”, “Little House on The Prairie” and...
1. Grandma Prisbrey’s Bottle VillageThis folk art landmark made out of thousands of discarded bottles and constructed piece by piece by an eccentric 90-year-old grandma named, Tressa Prisbey. 2....
CLARITY: According to the Strathearn Historical Society, a group of investors originally named the City of Simi Valley, Simiopolis! But, after a year or so, nobody liked it anymore...